
Legislation – case law – market practice – tips & tricks

HR in post-industrial societies like Finland is much more complex than what it used to be in former days. Employment law, however, struggles keeping up with the various ways of performing work in the 21st century – in Finland, for example working hours and annual leave legislation are at least in parts outdated and still reflect 1950s society.

While being strongly influenced by European Union legislation, employment law is still mainly governed by local laws and so are related fields like social security and taxation. At its core, employment law is employee protection law and thus mandatory – even the employees themselves cannot waive the legal protection they enjoy.

In this section, I will occasionally provide you with summaries of Finnish employment legal provisions, up-to-date information and, perhaps, with some of my personal reflections on different employment related topics.

Markus Majer

Let’s talk!

If you outsource your employment matters to me, you will sleep better at night. Feel free to reach out!